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2:48 p.m. - 07/09/2007
Part 2 of my trip to Tally
I forgot that I never finished writing about my time in tally. So here goes. Saturday Kersten and I spent most of our time recovering from Friday night's drunken festivities. We had dinner at the Main Ingredient and then picked up some beer to start drinking. We were having a tough time getting the beer down especially Kersten, but we know how much of a trooper I am so I ignored the feeling of being sick and kept drinking. The plan was to go to Bullwinkle's but before we went Danny decided he wanted to shoot off some fireworks, so me, Kersten, Danny, Jenn, Joe, Yolanda and Chad hung stood around getting torn up by mosquitos and god knows what other insects, in the rain while danny had his fun. When it was time to go to Bullwinkle's Kersten had decided she just couldn't make it so she decided not to go. :( It sucked because how often do Danny, Kersten and I get to go out these days. But with or without Kersten (the old married woman lol) we had a lot of fun. Danny got super trashed which is always fun and broke out the danny bounce. Oh he also told me I should write a book called how to be a motherfuckin PIMP because I am one :). We were having so much fun that before we knew it the bar was closed. While leaving the bar Danny told everyone we encountered that we were all goign back to JP's pool and swimming naked. Afterwards we went to Gumby's to get some food and then went back to Yolanda's to eat it. There things got really funny. Danny decided to go outside and try to make himself puke, but he couldn't so he decided to start marching around the block. During his march apparently a tree insulted him because he got into a fight with it. I went outside to supervise him and he said he was trying to sweat all the alcohol out of his system. And he told me that tree was an arrogant asshole and thats why he fought it. lol. When we left Yolanda's Jenn and Danny drove me and Joe home and when we got to the gate at JP Danny pulled out his pepper spray and was determined to pepper spray the guard, so Jenn had to pull over to make him put it away. It was a really fun night. Drunk Danny is always very entertaining.

Sunday night I also had a ton of fun. Me, Kersten, Josh, Michelle, Mel, Jenna, Sarah and Rory went to BW3s to hang out and drink. William, joined us for a little while and it was good to see him again. I miss having him as my roommate sooo much. After the bar closed we headed back to my apt and all hung out there for a bit and joe and his friend joined us. there was a bit of drama because Lenny drank some of me and Kersten's beer so she confronted him about it and everything worked out ok I guess but we all decided we didn't want to be around Lenny so we took the party down to Sarah and Rory's apt. All we really did was drink and hang out but I think I had the most fun that night, just relaxing wiht my friends, I miss the days when that was my life and I could just hang out and drink beer every night. I was supposed to leave Monday morning at 7 but since we didn't stop drinking til like 5 I decided to change my ticket to tuesday.
Monday there was no drinking, but Kersten and I went to have dinner at the melting pot. Yum Yum! I hadn't been there in ages. And that's pretty much it. I had a lot of fun and it really really sucked having to go back to DC and back to work.

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