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Currently listening to: lately it's so quiet - ok go

Current Mood: tired

3:11 p.m. - 07/09/2007
yeah dc really sucks
I swear being in DC for such an extended period of time is causing me to lose my mind. I hate it here so much. And I hate what my life has become. Aside from the work I do at the zoo on Monday's which I love, I'm stuck at a job that I hate which is exactly what I said I'd never do. I would give anything to be back in school. Or to at least be working somewhere where I actually have an interest in the kind of work I'm doing. I'm so sick of this pattern I'm stuck in. Drag myself out of bed, go to work, come home, have dinner, then go back to bed. I don't have time to do anything I like to do. I miss my Lea time. I miss being able to waste time becuase I had so much of it. Now it's almost like I have to have a schedule for my free time if I want to be able to do everything i want to do.

Meanwhile as far as the juggling act that is my love life goes, I think I've pretty much decided on who I want to be with. He makes me happy without even trying. He doesn't know it but he's the ray of sunshine that shines through the dark dreary cloudiness of my everyday life (yeah I know that sounded really gay, it's that CHS acting up again)

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