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Currently listening to: Icebox - omarion

Current Mood: happy

7:31 a.m. - 09/11/2007
He's no prince charming but..........
So I'd say that my trip to tampa was pretty damn awesome. We actually had a serious talk (well about as serious as you can get with the two of us) and I was just happy to hear him admit that I had absolutely nothing to do with the fact taht he turned into an asshole when he used to be so sweet. Stephanie likes to put all the blame on me, but he said its actually her fault. He admited that all I ever did was love him and treat him right and he paid me back by treating me like crap and breaking my heart. And because of him I became a coldhearted bitch who uses men then throws them away and started leaving a trail of destruction behind me with all of my relationships since him. He said Stephanie did the same thing to him and I was just the first step in his trail of destruction. I just can't tell you how good it makes me feel to know that he knows that I didn't do anything wrong, that it was all him. So here we are two people with an icebox where our hearts used to be, going through destructive relationship after destructive relationship, so doesn't ti make since that we try each other out again since we understand each other and the source of our coldheartedness. And a few things he told me made me trust him more, which was a big issue before. So that's something else to feel better about. I wouldn't dare tell him and give him a bigger head than he already has but I really miss him already and I enjoy traveling thousands of miles to see him. Its usually the best part of my month. (He was teasing me about how great he must be for me to travel thousands of miles to see him when I was there)
Sure he'll never start a foundation to save the manatees, or even be willing to eat at a restaurant that serves anyhting but meat and potatoes, but I still think he's pretty great. So we'll just have to see what happens. Only time will tell if he really is the one for me or if i'm just wasting my time. Stephanie who is just ms. negativity when it comes to him, and who is unwilling to accpet the fact that she is responsible for the way he is, feels like I'm wasting my time with him because he's an asshole and will always be an asshole, but you know I don't really see that. I mean he's definately no price charming and chivalry is dead to him, but he's not mean to me. He's just set in his ways. And I always have fun with him and he always makes me laugh and that's important to me.

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