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11:49 a.m. - 09/18/2007
Who killed Leandria Campbell
I forgot to write about this yesterday, but yesterday afternoon when I got back from the zoo I took a nap and I had the strangest dream. I was brutally murdered. Stabbed to death and it was weird because at first I didn't know I was dead. But certain people could see me and one of my friends had to break the news to me that I was a ghost or something like that. Anyway I think we were trying to find my murderer throughout the dream. And if we found that person by a certain time then I would be able to come back to life.I don't kow it was really wierd. And really kind of scary. ANd I have no clue where it came from. I don't think I've been watching any sci fi type murder mysteries lately. I don't remember all of the details but it was kind of like watching a movie. Or being a part of a movie. Trying to figure out who the killer is by a certain time. It had a bit of romance, some action, some drama, some mystery. It was actually pretty interesting to watch/ experience, except for the fact that it was me who was murdered and I woke up before I found out who killed me.

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