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Currently listening to: Taking Back Sunday - Cute without the E

Current Mood:

12:15 a.m. - 10/27/2007
Hoping for the best, just hope it never happens....
Have you ever just had this feeling that something isn't right. You can't pinpoint exactly waht it is or what made you start feeling that way, but it just doesn't feel right. That's how I feel now. The obvious reason is that I'm in Tampa visiting Duffie for over a week, nbut I've had this feeling for a little while now. So I don't know where it came from.

Have I mentioned lately that i live for torture. I've always been an emotional masochist and its terrible. Why the hell do I always ruin good things with good guys for bad things with bad guys? Seriously what the hell is wrong with me? I just don't understand.

On a totally different note, I had a party at Lana's this past weekend since i was housesitting for her. It was a lot of fun. You'll never guess who showed up. Royce Jeffry from high school. I haven't seen him since graduation, so that was nice.

Michelle is coming tomorrow and I can't wait! I miss her soooo much!!!! So hopefully she'll help me get out of this mood.

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