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Currently listening to: Cute without the E - Taking Back Sunday

Current Mood: bored

2:16 p.m. - 10/23/2007
\"Why can't I feel anything from anyone other than you\"
I think I figured it out. You know how I'm always complaining about the oh so complicated relationship that I have with the love of my life? Well I just realized it's relly not that complicated. We're doing this nonexclusive casual dating thing. It took me a while to figure that out because I've never really dated. I either hook up with random guys or jump straight to relationship. In fact I hate the whole concept of dating because I feel it is nothing but a prelude to sex. Which is why I like to get the sex out of the way first. If he's worth your time he'll stick around after you've had sex with him and if he doens't he wasn' t worth the time of dating him and getting to know him just so he could abandon you after he gets what he wants.

But yeah I was thinking about it and that's pretty much what's going on with us. And I think I'm okay wiht that. Except for the fact that I love him so much. Damn that stupid emotion. Always complciating things. Well wahtever we are, I cna't wait to get there on Thursday to see him.

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