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Currently listening to: Hot Hot Heat - Get Over It

Current Mood: annoyed

11:11 p.m. - 11/02/2007
No drama allowed (unless it's our own)
So let me just say that unfortunately Halloween ended up sucking because of all this stupid drama with my friend and her significant other. I had this super cute outfit and was all ready to show it off and I only got to for like 20 minutes cause she was being all drunk and emotional. A little background first. They haven't been talking for over a week. In that time him and Duffie have become pretty good friends. So they've been hanging out. Which pisses me off because he's the bad example that has been getting Duffie to go out without me. So we're all ready to go out then Duffie mentions that he might be going out and she flips out and tells me that I have no backbone cause I let him do whatever, spills her drink all over the place and starts taking off her costume. Let me stop here and point out that Duffie is NOT my boyfriend. I have no control over what he does. It would be nice if he chose to go out with only me while I'm here, but I can't force him. SO I somehow convince her to go out and then they fgo out and hse just flips out even more. All I reember is that the night was cut short for both sets of us because since I was having such a terrible time I needed to get back in the apt and didn't have my key so Duffie had to come back to let me in. That I'm kind of happy about though. How dare he go out without me.

But anyway the point is that this visit had the potential to be a great visit. We've had some great nights together when the two of them weren't involved, when it was just us. But theeir drama is causing drama between me and Duffie and I'm so angry about that. I just wish I had come this long a different time. And I kind of feel like the guy is being very hurtful on purpose because he knows how I'm always trying to get Duffie to go out and how he never goes. He knows how much I value the little time that I have with Duffie and he's being very disrespectful of that by inviting him out all the time. The two of them just need to talk and work things out because I'm so sick of all the drama.

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