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12:27 p.m. - 11/20/2007
Moving Out
So I may actually be moving out of my mom's house fairly soon. Andre just got a job in DC so we're gonna look for an apartment together. Part of me wants to move out but a big part of me is gonna miss living at home. Aside form the fact that my room is so tiny I love spending time with my mom and the cats so I'm really gonna miss that when I move out. It shouldn't be too bad since I did spend 5 years in floria away from them, and this time instead of moving to another state I'm staying in the city so i can see them whenever I want, but I'm gonna miss family dinner every night and kaaboose waking me up in the morning and little stuff like that. It's also gonna suck having to pay rent, which means a lot less trips to Florida to visit the love of my life. I think I'll manage, But generally this whole grown up thing sucks.

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