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Currently listening to: Life goes on - leann rimes

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7:35 p.m. - 03/26/2008
life goes on
So you wanna hear something weird? I just got into a huge fight with Stephanie. I take it we're no longer friends because she found out what I did to get back at her for that Duffie photo incident. And then i got into a huge argument wiht Duffie. I mean I was sitting here bawling my eyes out, thinking about doing something terrible to myself even considering going into Andre's room and waking him up to a crying me just to be around someone to control my urges, and then just out of the blue I get an im from this one guy who I love talking to. Then a really sweet text message from this other guy. The universe is really trying to tell me that its time to get over him and move on. As for Stephanie, its no sweat off my back. She's lucky I forgave her for her sneaky backstabbing actions. What I did to her was nothing compared to how she my so called best friend betrayed me. I've gotten over it, and if she can't then too bad for her. It's funny how she distorts reality to make herself the victim. Everyone else who knows about the situation can't even believe I'm still friends with her and saw nothing wrong with what I did. Duffie was mad about the fact that I stole stuff off of his computer. Anbd he cant believe I would embarrass her like that. Well hello? How could she betray me like that. It's so like him to take that undercover skank's side so you know what. They deserve each other. I have better men and friends to spend my time with than the likes of them.... But then there is that away message he put up after our fight "I'd rather have bad times with you than good times with someone else. I'd rather be beside you in a storm than safe and warm by myself" Hmm could that possibly be about me? He does passive stuff like that to show me how much he cares and it annoys the hell out of me. So maybe he's not out of my life completely. Maybe he doesn't hate me so much that he never wants to speak to me again, but the point is that if he did, life would go on. It would hurt, but it wouldn't be the end of the world.

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