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Current Mood: Annoyed

12:21 p.m. - 03/26/2008
MY Deputy Director is an ASS
I absolutely HATE my job at HUD. Seriously. I hate it so much I would quit right now if it weren't for the fact that I have my own apartment now. Times like this I wish I still lived wiht my mom. It's just become so unbearable. It is a well known fact that I want nothing to do wiht this whole public housing thing, but I stuck wiht this job because I liked the people and it gave me flexibility. Now don't get me wrong, I still love most of the people here, but the managemnt sucks. It all went downhill when Rick Smith got promoted to be our deputy director. While he was a great coworker he sucks as a manager. My main issue with him is that he expects me to do the work of a GS 14 when Im not getting paid for that and he allows me no flexibility. For example, Regina will give me that kind of work and when Im done with it shell give me time towork on school stuff or something else. If Rick sees me doing something uncapfund related he quickly gives me another assignment. It's rediculous that I cna get the same amount of work as a 14, do the work quicker and more efficiently than the 14 and my reward for doing that be more work. How does that make sense? It doesn't. Regina mentioned if I keep detailed records of what they are having me do I can sue HUD for the payment of the grade level Im receiving the assignments for and with Rick's unappreciative attitude towards my work I just might. I hate working for him so much! Im just trying to tough it out til December. I would apply for a zookeeper's job now, but I really love working wiht the lions and tigers and I'd probably get a real position in another unit. SO I'm kind of stuck.
At least this whole thing is really making me focus on my future goals. Quit HUD in December. Actually you know what if I can find a job in maybe an animal hospital or something I'll quit before that. I just need to be able to have Tuesdays off for the zoo. Be halfway though vet tech training by Novemeber. Be admitted to Grad school for no later than Fall 2009. Zookeeper position by April 2009. Maybe somewhere in there I'll throw in sue HUD for what I should be making.

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