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Current Mood: annoyed

8:20 a.m. - 03/26/2008
sprained ankle
So I sprained my ankle on Friday in a moment of clumsiness. (Surprisingly not drunken clumsiness, sober clumsiness) And it sucks. Mainly because my high tolerence for pain is preventing me from allowing it to heal properly. It doesn't hurt so I don't feel the need to stay off of it, but the swelling is crazy and obviously tells me that something is wrong. On Monday I actually did stay home from work and stay in bed and keep it elevated, and the swelling went down a little. But then yesterday I went to the zoo like a fool and stood on it all day while cleaning cages, and as a result its swollen again. It sucks because I just don't have the time to sit around and wait for it to heal. So who knows how long this swelling will last. My main concern is that it will get worse as a result of me not taking care of it.

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