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Currently listening to: Oh Goddammit - Hot Hot Heat

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4:36 p.m. - 03/19/2008
a prelude to sex
Considering recent developments, I felt it necessary to reiterate the fact that I absolutely HATE dating. The whole concpet is such bullshit. It's nothing but a prelude to sex. How can you really get to know someone whent they are lying to you trying to impress you because they want to get in your pants? And even when it's not say the person is being real with you cause the sex is out of the way or they are one of the 10 nice guys left in the world, it still sucks. I hate that whole awkward getting to know you stage where you can't really be yourself 100% around them for fear that they might think you're weird or judge you. No matter how honest you try to be with the person you're dating and getting to know, realistically certain things just aren't gonna come out til you're more comfortable with them.

That's why I like dating friends. People I meet just for the purpose of friendship, the never any relationship potential until after you get to know them, then feelings develop type. That way, by the time the feelings develop you already know each other well, and there's no awkwardness. Unfortunately I've exhausted the short list of male friends with dating potential that I have. So I've gotta go out and do it that old fashioned awkward way. And I am not looking forward to it. The last person I dated who wasn't my friend first was Jacob and look how that turned out. Jacob was also the last person i dated post Duffie, and although we weren't technically dated, we might as well have been, so I can call this post Duffie too or 2 lol. I don't really know how post Duffie I am either, which worries me

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