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Current Mood: uninspired

2:47 p.m. - 03/10/2008
No time for recreation
Doesn't it suck when you get to a point in your life where you don't have time to do the little things you used to enjoy?
Sure I still have time to volunteer at the zoo, which I absolutely love, but what about the little things?
I absolutley love reading and now I don't have time for casual reading, if I'm not reading revisions to the Reg then I'm reading for my classes. The stuff for my classes is actually interesting because its on wildlife management, but what happened to the days when I could sit down for a few hours and enjoy a nice Ann Rice or James Patterson novel. I actually got 2 Patterson novels for Christmas that I have been dying to read, but I have no time to do so. I'm also supposed to be reading Dune at Joe's request, but again I haven't had time. Especially for a novel that I'm not that into and actually have to pay close attention.

I also absolutely love writing, and while my past is full of incomplete stories, my present has nothing. I haven't written a story (or rather started on a story) or even a poem in I don't know how long. I used to write poems all the time and my mind was just overflowing with ideas on stories to write. But now the ony thing I've been writing is that damn Capital Fund reg. The reason for my lack of writng is twofold however. The first is of course the fact that I have no time. But the other is that I haven't been inspired. I don't feel like I have enough time to take notice of things in life that inspire me anymore. Even when I'm sad, which is where most of my past inspiration came from, I'm still so busy, so I don't have time to sit there and find a creative outlet for that sadness. It's more of a "pull yourself together right now, you don't have time for this" type of thing. Hell i barely have time for this anymore, if you notice over the past few weeks my entries have dwindled a great deal whereas I used to write everyday. Now that we've put the reg in clearance I should have more time to update more often.
It's times like these that I wish I was still in college. I had so much free time and I didn't even appreciate it.

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