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Currently listening to: It's only Life - Kate Voegele

Current Mood: excited

8:34 a.m. - 03/10/2008
Panda Pregnancy Watch
So guess who might be a new Panda Pregnancy Watcher at the zoo? Yep that's right, me. The GLT program is suspended for the next 2 summers because of the elephant trail construction so they've been sending us out other behavior watch opportunities. I love my GLTs but I think I'll like this watch better because for starters there's no interaction with he public. Whereas the GLT watch is a combination of behavior watch and interpretaion to the public, this is just straight up behavior watch. And those Panda's are soooo cute. And of course I love any oppertunity I get to spend time at the zoo with the animals. It's so relaxing to me. On Tuesdays when I work at Great Cats, I probably do more physical work than I do all week, and it is far from being a glamorous job, but I have more fun than I do all week and I'm not even getting paid for it. I think I'd definitely have to say that the zoo is my favorite place ever. I'm definitely gonna look into getting a real job there soon.

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