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Currently listening to: I won't disagree- kate voegele

Current Mood: excited

4:18 a.m. - 03/09/2008
Out with the old in with the new!
So guess what? We finally finished the redraft of the Capital Fund Rule! Yay! That means no more ridiculously late nights at Regina's house working! U'[m so exicited!

Also I finally got my last rabies vaccine on Friday! yay so I'm done wiht that! And if ever get an exposure I'm protecteD!

Meanwhile I stll love Luke our Male Lion. He's just started getting his mane but is still a big baby and I love the fact that he recognizes me! Him and the tiger cubs! How cool is it so hear a lion roaoring and be able to say " that's for me!" I'll tell youm its very cool! I can't wait til I can actually work somewhere like this and not just be a volunteer!

Just in case I haven't said it enough, I love my job in the GCB unit!

Oh also, guess what? T2morrow I'm going out with this hot guy who thinks I'm great! He is definitely what I need to get rid of my unhealthy obsession with Duffie and even more than that, he's a great guy who hopefully doesn't judst ;like me for my pretty face. We'll see tomorrow won't we. As much as I hate first dates, I'm really looking forward to this one!

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