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Currently listening to: "A sentence of sorts in Kongsvinger" Of Montreal

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12:32 p.m. - 03/31/2008
\"triflin bitches\" aka ex best friends, and new guys I \"like\"
First things first.
Last time I checked "triflin bitches" were the ones who sent suggestive photos of themselves to the guy they knew their "best friend" was in love with. Not the person who was so distraught, betrayed and brokenhearted that she showed the photos to some of her other friends cause neither she nor they could believe she would betray her "best friend" like that. So imagine my shock when Stephanie referred to me as a "triflin bitch" on Friday. You know she had the nerve to get all "feel sorry for me I'm the victim" with Kate and Trisha when they invited her to our girls night on Friday. Well no one felt sorry for her and we had a most splendid night of margaritas, hookah (yes I got my very own hookah), cupcakes and vampires, without her.

Now that that's said, I don't think I'll ever be friends with Staphanie again. I really don't want to. The fact that she has the nerve to get so angry at me because she got caught doing something she shouldn't have done in the first place makes me angry and makes me realize she's not worth being friends with. I should have never forgiven her in the first place. With friends like her who needs enemies.

Now on to more important things. I've met this guy who I think I really like. We have so much in common and I can talk to him about anything and nothing for hours. Lately, instead of Duffie, it's been him that I get a little excited to talk to. He's funny and artistic, likes to read and write, likes animals, especially cats. He drinks and smokes menthol cigarettes. Oh and he doesn't make me feel old (like a certain ex-lover of mine.) What more can I ask for?

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