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Currently listening to: Bittersweet Symphony

Current Mood: disgruntled

8:30 a.m. - 04/04/2008
He's turned me into a Disgruntled Employee
I am sooo angry right now! Seriously, I know I've stated it before, but it must be said again, Rick Smith is an ass! So yesterday I called in and said I realized that I had some stuff that I needed to get done for school. I was planning on coming in, but I just got caught up in other things. And you know just know he had the nerve to tell me I need to give them more warning next time! Seriously! What an unappreciative asshole! My stress levels are up, I never have time to do anything i enjoy, or study, or do any school work, I mean who knows when I'll finish this vet tech thing, all because of this job where I don't get paid nearly as much as I should, and that asshole has the nerve to say I need to give them more warning! I hate him so much, and you know I don't throw around that word too often. I can't say I'd even flinch or give a frown, or even a small "oh that's terrible" if I found out he got hit by a bus. I would probably smile to myself and say karma's a bitch. Yeah that's mean, but so is he. So without a doubt September 30 is my last day. There's no way in hell I'm extending my appointment. Hopefully I'll get that lawsuit money soon and I will definately use it to pay up a few months rent so I won't be sol when I quit HUD. You know had I called into Regina, she wouldn't have cared.

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