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Currently listening to: Sunshine - Natasha Beddingfeild

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10:30 a.m. - 04/09/2008
Animal Behavioralist extraordinaire
So I just gave my aunt a consult on techniques on how to help her dog adjust to her new house. I felt so professional with all the questions I was asking about when the negative behaviors occur and what her reactions ususally are, and with the suggestions that I gave her. I think I gave an excellent evaluation and it was fun, which is making me think maybe I should start leaning back over to the domestic animal behavior side. The only thing is that I really love working wiht the exotics because I feel like I'm making more of a difference in the world. I doubt that domestic dogs and cats are in danger of going extinct any time soon, so my skills could be better used if I focus on those animals that are.

On another note, for some reason I've recently developed this crazy obsession with raccoons. I really really really really want one as a pet. I think its a result of the coatis at the zoo(which are in the raccoon family). I wonder where I can get one and how it would get along wiht Corona.

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