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Currently listening to: "Bunny aint no kind of rider" Of montreal

Current Mood: excited

4:34 p.m. - 04/10/2008
NYC here we come.
So guess who is going to NYC for the weekend to visit William? Yep that's right. Me. So Andre has been hiding in his room all week cause he's been depressed. I literally hadn't seen him since he left for VA beach last thursday night. Every time he would leave to go to work he would run out before I could catch him, and his door was always locked so I couldn't go in there and bother him. So today was my "go into work late day" and I think he forgot about it. Or maybe he was hoping that I was already gone by the time he got home. So it was around 9 when he came in and I was still in bed, so I wasn't making my normal morning noise of singing and moving around etc. So when I heard him I creeped out into the kitchen and startled him. He said I nearly gave him a heart attack. It was kind of funny.

But in any event, him being forced to see me, got him to talk about what was bothering him. And towards the end of the conversation, I was on facebook and noticed that Will had posted something saying for me to come up and visit him. So I casually mentioned it to Andre, and apparently it was just what he needed. He got pretty exicted about it. So we made reservations on the CHinatown bus for tomorrow. (BTW only $35 roundtrip) So tomorrow off we will go to NYC. I hope this brings him out of his depressive state. It'll be so much fun not just to be in New York, but to hang out with my William again. I miss him so much. He was such a great roommate. I don't know what I would have done wihtout him.

I never wrote anything about last weekend, but just to sum it up: It was a weekend of fabulous fun! i love Kate's friends! They remind me of the people I hung out wiht in Tally. Marie is great. So much fun to hang out with, I'm so glad that I went. I'm going back wiht Kate every time I go and apparently form now on I HAVE to bring my hookah everytime I come otherwise I must sit in the car all weekend.

So anyway. That's that. I kind of wanted to dirnk tonight, but I have to go to this thing for Jasmine, so i won't be able to. Then I've got to go home do something to my hair for the weekend, and pack.

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