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Currently listening to: Spice up your Life - Spice Girls

Current Mood: bored

1:21 p.m. - 04/14/2008
NYC weekend with Andre, Branden and William.
So, this weekend was lots of fun. Andre and I went to NYC to visit William, and to get Andre's mind off of Bryan. It was really nice to see my William again. I have missed him so much. So much in fact that we realized that apparently the guy that I like right now is a straight version of him lol. We also hung out with Branden who I haven't seen in 2 years and Andre hasn't seen in about 4 years. It was really nice seeing him again and reminiscing on ald high school times (like crashing Andre's mothers BMW lol) So that was great. Friday night the 4 of us went to this bar called trash and William dressed Andre and I up in a completely different style than we normally would. I think I was postpunk and Andre was trustfund hipster or something like that. I don't know. But I threw a littel fit because my outfit showed no cleavage, but despite that my boobs got lots of attenetion anyway, so I was happy. Yeah so I got really really drunk and appparently agreed to marry this one guy, and then later met another guy who ended up making out wiht William and still trying to take me home (once he made out with William all his chances with me were gone). Then I talked to Duffie for a little while on the phone and he pretty much admitted how awesome I am and how much he loves me and wants to marry me (not in those words of course because he's Duffie). I think its probably too little too late for him though. Okay, so after talking to Duffie I don't really remember how this happened, but I met this sketchy guy and started making out with him. He offered to give us all a ride back to Brooklyn and we got in the car. He asked us to help him get drugs, at which point Branden and Andre jumped out of the moving vehicle. William all of a sudden flipped out when the guy tried to kiss me because he thought this guy was a cab driver, so he yanked me out of the car and proceeded to walk up and down the streets of NY cursing . At some point I fell and resprained my right ankle and scraped my arm up pretty badly. William almost got his ass kicked by this store owner who came outside to ask him to quiet down all of the cursing. We got a cab and went back to Branden's and all slept there.

Okay, so on Saturday, William had to work, and Andre Branden and I were supposed to go into the city and have lunch or something. I woke up around 1 and was wide awake, but Branden and Andre wanted to sleep some more. My boredom eventually caused me to fall back to sleep, and we didn't wake back up until 4:30. Which meant no lunch in Manhatten since Branden had to be somewhere for work at 6. So Andre and I went back to William's house and just hung out there for a while, until it was time to go out. Side note, one of William's roommates is really hot, and really nice, so I've decided to put him on my "to do" list. lol. But yeah so we did some predrinking and then went to try to find a gay club for Andre. We found one, but the problem was that William couldn't get in anywhere since he's not 21 yet. So william decided to just go home so Andre could have his fun. I think Andre had a good time. I had about as much fun as I can have in a gay bar. I stocked up on condoms from the free condom bowl at the front of the club lol. Then I went back to William's and Andre went back to Branden's.

Sunday we didn't do much. Just sleep, then pack up and get ready to leave. We've decided we're coming back often. Next time will probably be after William turns 21 at the beginning of May. to make things easier. It was nice having my favorite gay men all together at the same time. Although I guess it really made me no doubt a fag hag lol.

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