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8:58 a.m. - 04/25/2008
On guys who like to tell me I'm gorgeous
Yes. I know. I am absolutely stunning, gorgeous, beautiful, a site to be cherished and all that other stuff. And while it is nice to have a guy tell it to me once or maybe even twice, just so I know that he's interested, it gets a little old and annoying when they do it ALL THE FRICKIN TIME. It makes them so unattractive to me.

Think about it and it makes sense. First of all saying that I'm "gorgeous" is an unintelligent, generic complement, that is not impressive at all. How about being a little more specific and saying what about me you find so attractive. For example, a guy who I am actually interested in told me I was gorgeous (just once) and after that furthered the complement by saying that I had sultry eyes. I liked that. It was not a turn off to me to hear that.

Next, since I'm so gorgeous, don't you think I hear that complement all the time, and therefore don't need you to remind me of the fact that i am so "gorgeous" every 5 minutes? Well yes, I do hear it all the time, and no I don't need you to remind me. I'm not exactly lacking in the self esteem department.

Also think about how annoying it might be if you're trying to have an intelligent conversation with someone and all they can do is talk about how "gorgeous" you are. It gets really annoying and leads me to believe that you have no interest in me as a person, only in my looks, which is another huge turn off. Sure initial attraction is important. But there's got to be something more to it. For example, I was talking to this guy who I was considering dating and he asked me how my day was. I tried to tell him, but kept getting inturrupted by, "I'm so sorry, I just can't stop staring at you" "You're jsut so gorgeous" "Wow, I cna't believe how lucky i am to even be talking to someone so stunning." Seriously? How could I not be turned off by that? First of all you're not talking to me, you're admiring me, and not for the right reasons. Not for fabulous personality, but for my physical beauty. You're not even trying to listen to the deatials of my day to get to know me and learn more about me because you're so focused on how I look. How am I supposed to be interested in someone who i can't have a conversation with?

And after a while, that whole "gorgeous" thing starts sounding a little stalkerish and psycho. BIG TURNOFF!

So a lesson to those men who wish to win my heart, or hell even get to spend some time with me. Don't go heavy on the complements. I know I'm gorgeous. You don't have to remind me every 5 minutes. There's nothing wrong with my short term memory. I won't forget. And although I do like to get all dolled up and wear pretty things and even be shown off as arm candy on occasion, I am not one of those girls who lacks substance. Only those guys who actually get to know me and my personality and don't obsess over my physical appearance get the opportunity to develop something with me. As far as the telling me I'm gorgeous thing when we first meet, I'm implementing a 3 strikes and you're out policy.

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