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Currently listening to: Have you ever had to make up your mind

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8:42 a.m. - 05/09/2008
Options- not necessarily a good thing
Having options seems like a good thing, but what happens if you make the wrong choice? You'll be kicking yourself for the rest of you life if you know thatyou had the opportunity to be really happy, but you made the wrong choice so now you're screwed. So I'm thinking lack of options is a good thing. No agonizing over decisions, no wondering if you made the right choice. You take that one option that is presented to you and if it turns out bad, it's not really your fault for making the wrong decision. You had no other options.
I've got options and choices and decisions to make all over the place right now. What to do about work, school, certain friendships, love life, and its driving me insane. Well not really yet, because all of these options are still in the early stages where I can still get a taste of what everything is really about to help me make my choices, but I'm anticipating that day when the choices will have to be made, and I'm afraid I might make the wrong ones. I would however, like to end by saying that although the choices I have to make after leaving HUD are gonna make me wonder which one is the right place to go, I must say that I would probably kill myself if I had no other options and had to stay here.

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