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1:01 p.m. - 05/16/2008
Jasmine's Prom- I feel sooo old!
So yesterday was Jasmine's senior prom. I feel sooo old. I still remember when i used to change her diapers and now she's about to graduate from HS. She looked absolutely gorgeous! With a little help form my superb makeup application. I think lana got mad because Jasmine wanted me to do her makeup when Lana used to be a model. But my makeup always looks flawless, what can I say, I'm talented. And I told her that she did not want another nightmare like I had to endure with lana doing my makeup and making me look like a clown. I was so mad and embarrassed. I couldn't believe she thought that looked good. Makeup tip number one: Fuschia lipstick and blush typically doesn't look good on black people! But anyway, she went with Matthew, and guess what? His mother is one of my coworkers. How much of a coincidence is that? I used to talk to her almost every day.

I'll tell you one thing thoug, Lana and grandma were getting on my last nerve after the kids and Matthew's family left. Gossipping about how that family must be happy that he got himself a nice pretty light skinned girl. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. And then grandma saying that matthew must have been adopted because he was lighter than the rest of the family. HWne I suggested that he looked like his father, grandma said why would a nice light skinned handsome man want to lay up with someone like her. Seriously. I was livid! Grandma who definatley doesn't look black at all since her makup is almost entirely native american and white, is the first one to be all afrocentric, and talk about how the white people are out to oppress you blah blah blah blah blah, and then she goes and turns around and has that whole my lighter skin makes me better than you attitude.
It's absolutely absurd. And then stupid Lana who I dobn't think ever has a unique idea, just sits there and goes along. And then they were talking about how it doesn't make any sense how some of these nice light skinned pretty girls bring home thuggish looking men. I have a good mind to flaunt Duffie in front of my family whether we are together or not just for the hell of it next time he's in DC. Maybe pretend like we're getting married or something. Or I wish I would have introduced her to Jacob when we were dating and living together. It just makes me soooo mad that people still think in such a manner, and maybe, just maybe, I could excuse my grandmother since she is old, and more than just a few older people are set in their ways and resistant to progression. But my aunt had no excuse.

I completely understand why my mom tries to have as little to do with them as possible. The queen family just has way too much ignorance in it. Now don't get me wrong, they are not all like that, but too many of them are.

But anyway, back to Jasmine's prom and how it made me feel old. I remember my prom, hectic as it turned out to be. And how annoyed I was getting with my family while we were waiting for my date and the limo, so I was trying to be a buffer between her and the older folks. But I couldn't help myself when I first saw her in her dress and when Matthew got there and they were talking pictures together. SHe just looked so pretty and grown up I had to make a big deal.

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