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1:42 p.m. - 05/19/2008
Drunken insanity (And by no means the good kind!)
Okay, so Friday night Andre, Kate Trisha and I, and Andre's friend Clay headed out to go to this gay cowboy bar on capital hill. OF course on the way there we packed our typical super strong to go cups to get the night started right before we got to the bar. So we get there and I'm a little drunk, but don't really feel it. After being there for about 30 minutes, the straight females of the group decided to leave and go to one of the nearby straight bars. We made Andre promise not to leave us and to call us when he was leaving the cowboy bar so we wouldn't get stranded. He said he would but that didn't happen. So we head over to the bar that Jason Portlance works at because its not too far. And when we get there he makes us these really strong drinks, and I chug mine, and Trisha's cause she didn't like hers, then we take a round of shots. Then I don't really remember much more of the night.

Apparently trisha left because she was feeling very drunk and had to meet Carlos. Kate and I stayed for a few more drinks, then tried to get in contact with Andre, but coulnd't. We went back to the cowboy bar where apparently i was so drunk I was falling all over the place and feel off of a barstool which explains why i woke up the next day with a big knot on my head, a cut lip, bruises all over my arms, and scraped knees and elbows.

Well anyway back to the story, Andre had ditched us and we were very low on money and couldn't afford a cab back to rockville. So Kate apparently decided to take my phone since hers was dead and call like everyone in it trying to get a ride. Very bad considering the fact that some people she called I don't even talk to and now they think I was trying to drunk dial them. Thanks a lot Kate. But anyway. After unsuccessfully reaching anyone in my phone we decided to catch a cab back to my mom's house. Where I caused a big ruckus, waking her up nd being drunk and belligerent. I really don't know what I said or did, but I know it wasn't good and my mom was annoyed. Soon Kate called her dad to pick us up from my mom's house and take us back to Rockville.

Now the really disasterous stuff happened when I got back to my apartment at like 7 or 8 in the morning. I had told that guy who I like that I would send him some topless photos of myself when I got home, since alcohol tends to make my clothes come off. So I get home and go to take the pictures on my phone and send them to not only the guy they were intended for, but also to my mom and my aunt Lori. Can you believe I did that! How embarrassing. I don't know how I'm gonna face them in person. I had to explain to both of them that I am 25 years old which means I am allowed to get piss ass drunk if I want to. And that those pictures were intended for my boyfriend who is out of town. And again that as a 25 year old adult I am allowed to send topless photos of myself to my boyfriend if I want to. So even with the explanations, I know they are never gonna look at me the same way again. Thank god lori lives in SC. And as for my mom hopefully she can just forget and move on. I maan she knows I'm less than innocent from all of that Jacob drama. All i can say is thank god I didn't send them to like coworkers or something. that would have been really disasterous!

So the next day I woke up still drunk and didn't sober up til around 8pm at which point I became severely hungover. All day Saturday and Sunday were spent in bed. All day I couldn't eat anything or drink any water which just made the recovery period worse. On the bright side though I did manage to lose 5 pounds this weekend as a result of it.
That kind of night makes me never want to drink again. Or at least stop packing those damn to go cups!

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