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11:13 a.m. - 06/17/2008
Save the Bunnies and everything else I can lol
So I've recently developed a liking for bunnies, probbaly as a result of the fact that I've been sitting outside writing a lot lately and our community is overflowing with them. So anyway I decided that I was going to adopt these 2 rabbits that were rescued from an abusive situation, that the shelter wants to keep togehter. I was talking to Kate about it and she thinks it's a terrible idea because they are messy etc. I think its a great idea becasue I'd eb helping them, and who cares about the mess. I volunteer at the zoo cleaning up after lions and tigers, so I doubt cleaning up after a rabbit will be that difficult. Not to mention that when we lived in Germany my mother managed to take care of our 2 cats, our german shepherd, probably about 10 ferrets, 5 rabbits, a guinea pig, a hamster, and 2 birds. (Ever wonder where I get my love of animals from lol). But anyway, so this story had a point that was kind of funny.
So Andre, Kate and I are in the car going to petsmart to get stuff for the puppy (did i mention that Andre got a 7 week old pug this weekend?) and I'm talking about how I'm going to adopt some rabbits. And Andre says we're not gonna have a zoo at our house and Kate was going on about the mess and the attention that they require etc. And I'm insistent on my desire to rescue the poor bunnies and how it's terrible that they are overbred and abused so much and not enough people care. And Andre goes "What is with you in always trying to save something. Why don't you save the whales or something so I don't have to deal with it in my house."
And I say: "actually I have already written several letters to congress to help save the whales."
Then Andre and Kate just look at each other like they're both thinking psycho hippie. And Kate says "the sad thing is that she's being serious."

I just thought it was a funny little story. Yes I was being serious about the letters. I just have this overwhelming desire to help creatures that can't stand up for themselves. People are so self centered and think that we're the only species on the planet that matters and that we can do whatever we want to the other ones. Why is it the case that if a person kills a wild animal it's okay, but if a wild animal kills a person it's this huge deal? Who said that humans were better than other creatures. If we were so smart, then why are we slowly destroying the one planet that can support our existence? If you really think about it in the end not only will we be the source of the extinction of all the poor endangered animals out there, we'll also be the source of our own extenction. Why because we collectively as a species are stupid.

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