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Current Mood: Excited

8:28 a.m. - 06/12/2008
Lions and Bears and my exciting day
So yesterday I had an amazing day at the zoo. I think mainly because i tried to tag along wiht the lion keeper to get more time with them (I like the lions way better than the tigers). But yeah so first of all I realized that they respond to me. I was standing near Naba and Shera's cages marking a fecal sample I had gotten from Naba and she saw me and jumped up on the bench in the cage and was staring rihgt at me as if to say hello. Then when Rebecca was training them, she wanted to get Shera to move to the other cage and she wouldn't. But I moved over in front of that cage and called her and she came. Then Rebecca was trying to shift Lusaka into the scale cage so that I could clean all four of the lion cages while Luke and the girls were out. And Lusaka wouldn't go into it. So I stoof in front of the cage and started calling her and Rebecca said "go to Leandria, Lusaka" and she came to me. Yeah I know you guys are probably like so what. But it was very exciting to me.

The next exciting part of my day was that Tracey, who was on bears that day left some stuff up at lions and tigers and needed someone to bring it down to her and I got to be the one to do it. This was exciting because although the unit I work in is great cats and bears, and there are three lines, lions, tigers, and bears, they really just need volunteers to help in the cat area (since there are after all only 2 bears). So I never get to go down there, I'm always up at the lion tiger area (not that I mind). But yesterday I got to go there and see bandit and Nikki up close. Bandit out 30 year old spectacled bear is sooo adorable. I understand why Tracy loves her so much.
That was the excitement, the rest of the day was spent cleaning cages, preparing diets etc, although I did get to leave like an hour early so that was great. Oh and wait I almost forgot, I found out that in October, when Luke turns 3, they are going to start the introductions to Naba and Shera so they can start mating and we'll have lion cubs. Now that is very exciting. So I've got to stick around til then so i can be around when they are born. So new plan of action. Tough it out at HUD until around March (which won't be too bad now that I can telework once a week making ti only 3 days a week that I actually go into the office), and around February or maybe later Jan, start putting in keeper applications. I figure March will give me enough time to see the cubs if they're born in Dec. So anyway I hope things work out.

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