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8:37 a.m. - 06/24/2008
proms and pregnancies and jungles oh my
So I had this really really weird dream last night. It was about 2 of my freinds. Two very good friends of mine actually. And I'm always trying to push them together cause I think they'd make a great couple, but they are always so ressitant. So here comes the weirdness. From what I can remember we were all in high school, even though I wasn't freinds wiht them in high school. And the high school was actually in a jungle. (See I told you it was weird.) And the guy was going to take me to the prom. Just as a freind. Although he and the girl weren't really into all that typical high school stuff. You know, they were the type that rebel against the conformity etc etc, and I was total opposite. Actually I was my high school self, Ms. teeny bopper pop culture student council, dance committee, honor student etc. (I actually think my current self would hate my HS self) But anyway so I convinced the guy to go to the prom wiht me and I was pretty psyched. And had this gorgeous dress and all, and he stood me up to have sex with the girl. I think she called him for some type of emotional eemrgency or something and they ended up getting together. Well it was something I had always wanted, but I was pissed about being stood up (even though I went to the dance anyway) And I forgave the guy but hated the girl and wouldn't forgive her for calling him knowing that he was supposed to take me to the dance. So yeha I was a real bitch and wouldn't talk to her. And then it turned out that she got pregnant, and she really needed my support, but of course I was still a bitch and told her that's waht she gets, and spread rumors about her throughout the school. After I did that I felt really bad and apologized and became thge good friend that I am and not the slefish bitch I was being. But anyway, yeah I thought that was really weird. Oh and in the midst of all of this there were random jungle creatures roaming around. A tiger crept up beside me and killed this person I was tlaking to at one point. There was this gorgeous bird that swooped down and stole some food from someone in the cafeteria. Someone got bit by a snake in the middle of class. So yeah that was my dream and it was so weird I thought I should write about it.

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