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11:48 p.m. - 06/26/2008
Polar Bear SOS - Oil covered Polar Bears Have almost no chance of Survival
So my mom opened my mail that came to her house from the NRDC about the plight of the polar bears and now apparently she's on board to save them. lol. My brother not so much though because 'saving the planet and animals and stuff, that's Leandria's thing.'

Even one of the cats, Sibby, is on board. My mom said it was the funniest thing, Sibby was just sitting there staring (reading according to my mom) at the pamphlet for a long time, with a very concerned look on his face. He would look down at it for a few minutes, then stare at my mom, then look back at the pamphet as if to say 'this is terrible, what are you going to do about it.'

So here's a little info on what's goinh on:

On February 6, the Bush Administration leased nearly 30 million acres of sensitive polar bear habitat in the Chukchi Sea for destructive oil and gas drilling. Record-setting bids from the Shell oil company and six other oil giants totaled $3.3 billion. The administration proceeded with the sale despite the oil industry's failure to develop an effective method to clean up oil in broken-ice waters. Oil-covered polar bears have almost no chance of survival. Once exposed to spilled oil, polar bears would almost certainly die from ingesting it while trying to clean themselves.

The U.S. Geological Survey reports that thinning sea ice from global warming could kill off two-thirds of the world's polar bears (including the entire Alaskan population) by mid-century. But the report contains a ray of hope: Some populations of bears could survive if long-term warming trends are reversed.

You can find out even more about the poor polar bears at

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