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6:27 p.m. - 06/24/2008
my ah-ha moment
So i just had a total ah-ha! moment. I totally understand why I've been feeling like crap for the past few days. and knowing why I feel like crap makes me feel better. See if I think I might be getting depresssed again then it actually makes me more depressed and raises my anxiety levels becasue I start worrying about what the hell is wrong with me and start worrying that it's going to get so bad that I can't control it again. I start thinking about the last time it happened, and everything jsut goes to hell.

So I was talking to Duffie and I asked him waht he was doing and he said he was eating like a fat ass. And I said that I was healthy and only had fruit to eat today. And then it hit me. Why is it that all I've had to eat today was fruit and I'm not hungry? I have no intention of eating any dinner later? Because about a weke ago I gave up coffee and started taking some stimulants to keep me up throughout the day. One side effect of the stimulants is that I lose my appetite. Another side effect of most stimulants is mild depression when you're coming down. Bingo! that's it! There's nothing wrong with me. it's jsut the drugs. (Although some might say there's something wrong with me for taking the drugs, but that's another story.) wow what a relief. I feel so much better now.

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