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10:54 a.m. - 02/11/2010
It's my brithday and I'm snowed in
Today is my 27th birthday and I'm snowed in. Which sucks majorly. However this year I didnt get any birthdya anxiety. That might be becasue I'm all anxietied (I realize that's not a word) out from the anxiety I've been dealing with becasue of this snow storm. I actually feel fine and I havent taken any mood altering drugs. So I'm proud of myself. I'm thinking about trekking out into the snow to do some PETA outreach today in the city because there is nothing that would make me happier on my birthday than trying to make more vegans or make DC fur free. And I havent done any oureach in over a week so I'm starting to have withdrawls.

I had a dream last night that I can't get out of my head about a certain person near and dear to my heart wishing me a happy birthday. On top of that my best bud Michelle was in the dream and here in DC and helping out with a complicated romantic entanglement that I have gotten myself into, so that just made it even better.

My mom and brother are awesome for trying to help me make the most out of being snowed in for my b-day and I appreciate it. I know I'm not the easiset person to deal with when I get into my bitchy life is over becasue I'm snowed in and cant see my friedns mood. So I appreciate theri efforts.

People ask me what I want for my birthday. And I'd really just like for people to try a meat free diet for a week to realize that it really isnt that hard and that its better for you, the environment, and the animals.

But I wouldnt be me if I didnt have a selfish wish too, and that birthday wish is kind of simple and stupid and girly, and its to get that special birthday wish from the guy who is near and dear to my heart. He can be a real douche sometimes though, so who knows if it'll happen or if he even remembered that today was my brithday. We will see.

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