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11:51 a.m. - 08/14/2006
Strip clubs, 4 horsemen, old friends, the war, and exciting news
I had an awesome weekend, reminiscent of those crazy days in tallahassee ( I act like it was so long ago)
So Friday night the plan was for me, trisha and Stephanie to go see The Devil wears Prada b/c it reminds me and trisha of Mrs. Brooks :) and then go to this strip club that richard works in just to stop by, have a few drinks, then go home. Well, we get to Georgetown to see the movie and it occurs to me that I have left my wallet at home. So we have to drive all the way back to my house like 20 min. away. So we decide to go to the bar first and see the 10:30 movie. We didn't get to the bar til like 10. there I saw Timo and richard who I haven't seen in ages. me and trisha had 4 horsemen shots which got us trashed and we ended up just staying there all night drinking. Oh and me and trisha tipped this stripper who could jump onto the pole and turn herself upside down. We also had a phot shoot in the bathroom since we weren't allowed to take pictures in the bar,we called Diana, James' wife and left her a long drunken message, I think b/c she wanted us to go to Local 16 and we were trying to explain to her that we were too intoxicated to switch bars. Oh and Stephanie and Trisha got sexually harassed by a stripper. I was so drunk when we left I don't even remember leaving the bar. Duffie called me while I was there so after we dropped Trisha off, me and Stephanie went to pick him up. And apparently i was convinced that if we didn't see him that night that I would never see him again, so I kept calling him every 5 minutes while we were on our way to pick him up to tell him to stay awake. We went back to Stephanie's house and for some reason I drank more. But let me tell you I remember none of it. Just littel bits and flashes. We were up until 8 am and Stephanie actually got drunk, she hated it though. Oh I also did some drunk dialing and drunk my space messaging and left my friends drunken messages.
We woke up the next morning, well afternoon and my face was all scratched up, I think its becaseu Stephanie shoved me out of t he bed in the middle of the night. Oh and when I woke up I was still trashed.
the 3 of us went to IHOP just like in the old days and ordered the same thing we used to order back in the day. Duffie even still ripped up his straw wrapper and made little balls to try to throw down our shirts. It was so much fun. It was the best Friday night I've had since I've been in DC

Oh and also Fatimah has waged war on me or something, so she took the time to send everyone of my friends on myspace messages about me, and sent the girlfriends of my guy friends messages too. Can we say loser? Who has that much time? Seriously? it reminds me of high school stuff, like the stuff I see on laguna beach. Does she really think that stuff is gonna ruin my life? I mean she is really young, so maybe she's still stuck in high school mentality or something.

Anyway, I'm so Happy. I just got some excellent news! I was so excited I couldn't even sleep last night. I literally can't stop smiling. Oh and I now honestly believe that everything that happens does happen for a reason and I'm glad it all happened. But you may hear more about that another time. Now I must actaully start working, and stop wasting governemtn time.

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