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11:50 a.m. - 08/10/2006
I'm so good, I can Walk on Water!
So apparently I can walk on water. Isn't that great. I am so good at my job and my boss loves me so much yesterday we were having a meeting to brief a new employee on waht the office does and to introduce him to everyone and let him know what part each of us plays in the office, and Regina said that I have worked on all aspects of the program, whihc I have, that I always do an excellent job, whihc I do, and that I could do any task quickly and efficiently. She ended by saying "this girl can walk on water" thats how good she is.
Anyway, just thought I'd share that, I was tickled by it. Oh they're also giving me a special acts award for all of my hard work, interns usually aren't allowed to get them, but they made an exception for me.

Oh and on Monday all of OPHI had this retreat and one of the teambuilding excercises determined your dominant leadership style, and mine fit me perfectly. The Ts were the "me' people, creative, energetic, like to be the center of attention, all about rule breaking and thinking outside the box when it comes to work. The Es were all about productivity, get things done as quickly and accurately as possible, doesn't matter if the rules aren't followed 100% as long as the productivity increases. They were also commanding, and had little stress b/c they pass it off to other people. basically the hard asses. The A's were kind,caring people persons. They did everything to please evryone else, and liked to make everyone happy. The "yes"men type. Then there were the "M"s. The greatest type of all if you ask me, and not just becasue I'm a strong M, even the guy leading the retreat said that these people were amazing to him, and no one could figure them out, mystery people. We prefer to work alone b/c we know we can't depend on anyone other than ourselves to get the job done right, everything has to be done perfectly. We listen well and take in everything. We never reveal anyhting about our personal life at work, but we take in waht everyone else says. We may forgive, but we don't forget. Anyway, there was other stuff too, but I don't have the paper w/ me now, but I just thought it was funny how accurate it was to the way I am at work.
Anyway, just thought I'd take some time out to talk about waht a great employee I am. I mean they are so lucky to have me. Not everyone can walk on water. :)

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