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11:57 a.m. - 08/19/2006
So last night I had a bunch of fun. I went to Local 16 with Stephanie, Trisha, Trisha's friend Kristen, and we all hung out with James and Diana. Of course me and Trisha were the only ones who got drunk becasue we're awesome like that. Trisha was hanging out wiht this guy who works there who was all over her and when me and her went to take shots I came back to the table and thought she was right behind me, but he had wisked her away to somewhere else and I think she came back pregnant and it was all my fault for not keeping a better eye on her lol. OH I also drank in the name of Kersten last night, so that's why I got so drunk.

After James and Diana left Local 16, we went to the ChiCha lounge , which is the most interesting hooka bar I've ever been to, there's the hooka, plus, a bar for drinking, plus dancing, plus regular smoking. Stephanie ditched us to talk to some guy, me, trisha, and Kristen almost died of heat stroke in the bathroom. We danced to less than great music becasue we were drunk, well Trisha and I were. It was fun.

Then the bad stuff happened, okay, well not bad, I mean honesty is good, but still it's so embarrassing. Not only did I send a certain someone who is near and dear to my heart drunk text messages form someone else's phone, but I also sent him a very long, drawn out, detailed account of my feelings for him, in a drunken belligerent way on myspace. I really wanted to see him, but since I couldn't I guess that was my solution, to send him brutally honest messages. Let all of my deep dark, secret true feelings out. I mean I guess its not that bad since it is all true, it's just embarrassing. Oh well. Stay away from computers and phones when drunk.

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