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1:18 p.m. - 05/19/2006
Why is it that I'm surrounded by so many fake people? If you don't like me stop pretending that you do. If you talk shit about me behind my back, don't play nice in my face. Don't say things you don't really mean just to appease me. Don't do things you don't want to do because you feel sorry for me. If you're gonna hurt me then do it, because pretending that that you're not and giving me false hope only hurts me more. Stop lying to me. Stop using me. Stop pretending we could have something when you've given up completely. Stop pretending she's not a part of your life anymore, when I know that she is. I don't know how many times I have to tell you that lying and withholding the truth are the same thing, and that both only make the situation worse, and hurt me more.
I've been through this before.
I wanted this.
So why does it hurt so much this time?

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