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1:27 p.m. - 05/27/2006
Done with the Bullshit
Yeah, so I think I can finally say I am so over this stupid jacob bullshit.
Why the hell am I stressing myself out over him? If he wants to hang out with ugly ghetto skanks instead of me, then let him. I thought he was a better person than that but apparently not. And if she wants my sloppy leftovers then let her have them.
I am so much better than this whole situation. I have a lot more goign for me than any of those AMC losers do. So I officially release myself of the burden of caring.
I'm still goign to be friends with Jacob and everything, but I don't give a shit who he dates. He'll never find anyone better than me. I know it, he knows it and anyone who saw us together knows it too. I'm definately going to miss the sex, but I'll get over it. I can always train another guy to know exactly what I like.
I don't know why I let all this stupid drama happen. I'm so much stronger than that. Damn depression.
So I'm on the prowl for a new object of desire. If anybody knows any hot single men send them my way.

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