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1:25 p.m. - 05/27/2006
Do What feels good?
Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that you may not know someone as well as you thought you did. It sucks. But its true.
So right now I have a dilemma. Am I okay being someone's dirty little secret because it gets me immediate satisfaction, even though the next day I feel like shit? Am I okay keeping this a secret? Although I guess in writing this it's not as secret as you would like it to be.
It feels good. But it feels better when you're not ashamed of it.
I hate this. I know what I should do, but I don't want to. Everything sucks. When did things get so complicated.
So on another subject less depressing, but not really, I've been thinking and dreaming about a certain ex of mine a lot lately. I really miss him. We were great together, much better than that jackass Jacob. SO I think maybe I should get back in contact with him. It would suck though if he ddin't want to talk to me.

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