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11:46 a.m. - 07/30/2006
This lovesick feeling
"Real love makes you sick, so if you feel pukey then he's the one."
It sounds so funny, but its so true. And honey, you make me really sick, so I'm pretty sure you're the one. My emotions for you are so overwelming that my body can't handle it.
I don't know how to describe it, but when we would touch, this sickening, uncomfortable feeling would take over my body.
I guess this is where the term lovesick comes from. And I am very sick with love for you. Soon our day will come. I'm counting down the days.
And although we're not together yet, it doens't matter to me, I can wait for you. I can be patient for you. For now, hearing your voice on the phone is all I need. I love it when I'm awakened to a phone call from you in the morning, and I love it when I've given up on you calling me for the night, and my phone rings and its you. I love the way you make me feel. You make me smile. And I wouldn't trade this lovesick feeling for anything in the world.

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