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11:47 a.m. - 07/31/2006
Early morning call brightens up my day
I got an early morning call from a certain someone and it just brightened up my day. I was just ecstactic today. I love it when that happens. I'm lying in bed at 5:30 listening to my alarm go off, thinking about hitting the snooze button, and thinking about how much Monday's suck, and how much I don't want to go to work, and about how tired I am, and about all the crap I have to do today, and then my phone rings. He just wanted to be the first person to say good morning to me. Well after that I was so excited I had no problem getting out of bed. Just a problem wiping the goofy grin off of my face. How sweet is it to wake up that early when you don't have to be awake until much later, b/c you know its the time I wake up at and you want to say good morning to me.
Now come on, who are you kidding, I know you are just as madly in love with me as I am wiht you, so you might as well stop pretending. I think you may have finally gotten that actions speak louder than words concept. ) I can't wait to see you again. I'm counting down the days.

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