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1:24 p.m. - 05/25/2006
He knew I needed him
There is only one person who I feel comfortable telling absolutely everything to. I trusted him to be there for me. But he isn't anymore. He doesn't care. And knowing that hurts more than anything has ever hurt me before. I found it out last night. All he had to do was come home, but here it is 7 am and he's still not back, he's not answering his phone, he knew I needed him, so how could he do this. How could he be so selfish? He's probably sleeping with some other girl right now. I can't believe I'm so low on his list now. He wouldn't care if I killed myself. He doesn't care if I attempt it. I really didn't think I was aking for that much. How could he lie to me like that? How could he give me all this stress when he knows I've got a lot I'm dealing with right now?

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