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1:17 p.m. - 05/16/2006

He doesn't want to be with me becasue he doesn't want to deal with "someone like me"
Well I haven't changed. I've been this way all along. I've always been depressed, in fact when we first started dating I was getting pych medical withdrawls from my classes for that semester.
So if he can't love someone like me now, then I can only conclude that he never did.
He never loved me. That's why its so easy for him. It makes sense now. I was stupid to believe that he did. You can't go from loving someone to not even caring if they kill themselves, becasue it not your problem over night. I wish he would be honest with me about it. I hate the fact that he lies so much. What a jackass.
I don't understand what's wrong with me. Why is it that people are incapable of loving me? Waht's so horrible about me?

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