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1:15 p.m. - 04/28/2006
No More Drama
I've made a decision to be done with all the drama. It's so stupid. Oh did I mention they're calling me a dino on crack now? It's amusing. Seriously, not to sound conceited, but I'm gorgeos, so that;s the worst insult they can come up with. They have to get creative. It's cute. But if it makes her feel better to call me that becasue she has the face of a monkey, then let her. I know the truth, Jacob knows the truth, hell everyone who meets me knows the truth, they're just saying that to make her feel better.
Anyway, I'm so glad exams and everything are done. A huge weight has been lifted, but I only have a week off until classes start up again.
Danny's graduating. Isn't that wierd? he'll be here all summer, but then he's leaving Tallahassee forever. I'll miss him, but I'm sure we'll keep in touch, he's like my big brother. It's weird that he started school a year and a half after me and he's beating me at graduating by a semester.
I;m still trying to figure out what to do about this situation with this guy. I really like him, but I so don't want to ruin the friendship by telling him, and if he does like me I know he won't be the first to make the move becasue he's told me before that he never does that. We're at a stalemate and it sucks.
Anyway, i can't wait until tomorrow. We're all going out and getting trashed, so that should be fun.

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