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1:37 p.m. - 6/1/2006
Silly ho
Girls are foolish. Just face it he's really not that into you. You were there. He needed a rebound. Funny how he wanted to make it official when I started seeing someone else. I love the fact that you allowed yourself to fall in love with him because you're in for some serious heartbreak.
He's goign to do what I asked him to do. And what I asked him to do is kick your skank ass to the curb. He finally realizes its whats best for everyone. So have your fun while it lasts. Think you've won and you're not going anywhere while you can can. You'll need to remember how good this feels when your skank ass gets what you deserve. I swear talk about desperate. she has put up with so much drama from him and is still begging for his attention. Silly ho.

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