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11:53 p.m. - 08/20/2006
Saturday night fun at Local 16 and more immaturity from the skank
Another morning, another hangover, good times, good times. Before I tell you about last night though, let me tell you about what this PSYCHO BITCH FATIMAH did. I guess she just can't handle the fact that i'm not fighting for loser jacob anymore, or that she no longer has something that i want. I mean hell she has something that no one in their right mind wants. So she insists on fucking with me. So this morning I get phone calls from random guys in Tallahassee. This one guy was nice enough to read me the message she sent. She sent messages to random guys saying that if I wanted to fuck give me a call, and listed my phone number. Can you belive that shit. How would she like it if I did that to her? She sent random guys my phone number. And I'm sure loser walk all over me Jacob knows and doesn't give a shit becasue he can't stand up for himself and lets that skank do whatever the hell she wants, becasue he's the furthest thing from a real man that there is.

But anyway on to more important things than my loser ex boyfriend and his immature skanky girlfriend. Last night was fun. Stephnaie had her parents drop us off anfd pick us up so she could actually get drunk with us, so me and Trisha weren't alone in our shot taking. So the 3 of us went to Local 16, we hung out with James and Diana, and on occasion, Trisha's dishwasher boyfriend was there too. At one point she ran off with him. But if she got pregnant again it wasn't my fault i wasn't supposed to be watching her this time. We got trashed on Kamikazee's lemon drops, and our usual drinks (vodka sour for me, captain and ginger for Trisha, and mailbu and sprite for stephanie). By the end of the night me and trisha were trashed per usual and stephanie was drunk, just not as trashed as we were. It was a fun nihgt, I'm gonna miss weekends at Local 16 when I go back to Tallahassee. Oh and at one point we all got distracted by the grossest sight, down in an employee area while we were goign to the bathroom. A mouse eating a cockroach. It was one of those gross things you couldn't turn away from. We all just sat there watching it. The mouse was super cute though, and after eating, it could barely walk, either b/c it had eaten too much or b/c it had been poisened, we couldn't figure it out, but ti didn't matter b/c after we stopped watching somebody killed it and then fluhsed it. SO that was that. Poor little mousy. At least it had its last meal.

Oh I also told Stephanie my embarrassing tale about the message I sent last night. SHe suggested I write a retraction when I got home, just to set a few points straight but my brother was on the computer and wouldn't let me use it, so no more drunk messaging for me. Oh well. No good comes from it anyway.

So next week, I will be back inTallahasse. I'm excited about it, but also kind of sad, to beleaving work, and my family and my freinds. It's my last semester so I'm gonna make it a great one. And if this shit with the skank doesn't stop I'm gonna have to get ghetto on her again and do some more cheap weave pulling and ass kicking to put her in her place.

Anyway, it's early, I think I'm gonna go back to bed. I'm still feeling a little buzzy from last night, so its time to sleep it off.

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