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11:27 a.m. - 08/22/2006
Beware the psycho bitches
So, now I think everything's all fixed. Psycho bitch Fatimah and her psycho bitch friend hacked into my aol account, don't ask me how b/c I kept changing my passowrd and they kept getting in. They deleted all of my e-mails, they got into my myspace and facebook accounts, sent messages to my friends on myspace pretending to be me, then deleted my account completely so I had to open a new one, she deactivated my facebook, and she switched my diaryland over to her e-mail address so I had to open a new account here too.

Talk about crazy. Oh and she insists that all of my friends are in on this with her and that's how she knows all this stuff about me. Yet she couldn't tell me anything about myself that she couldn't figure out from reading the messages in my inbox. Waht a crazy, lying, psycho bitch. Seriously. Who really has that much time on thier hands. the only thing that really sucks is that my diaryland entries are all out of order b/c I had to copy them from my old account before she deleted them, and they show up in the order I copied them, not in the order of the dates I put in, but oh well, nothing too serious.
Anyway, my mom is filing a police report since they hacked in the aol account, and one for harassment since they posted my phone number and gave it to random guys, and since they've been sending harassing messages to my freinds.

And jacob has the nerve to call me crazy. He needs to talk a good look at that skanky girlfriend of his before he says anything about me.

I'm really excited about going back to tallahassee this weekend, but I'm also really sad. I'm gonna miss my coworkers, and my family, and my freinds, and the cats. It's so weird. this summer seems like it just flew by, but when I first got here it seemed like it would take forever to end. I cna't believe this is my last week of work. We're tlaking about stuff that needs to be done next week, and it's so weird that I'm not gonna be here to work on it.
It's gonna be weird to start spending my weekends in the wild and crazy college student drunk way, instead of in the grown up drunk way I do here. instead of goign to places like Local 16, I'm gonna be back to BW3 and Bullwinkles. Totally different environments. But at least drinks are super cheap at the Tallahassee places compared to here.
But I do miss Michelle, and kersten (even though she won't be there when I get back) and William, and Joe, and Mel, so I can't wait to hang out with them all again.

I cna't believe this is gonna be my last semester. While I'm sad to be leaving DC right now, I cringe everytime my mother brings up me moving back home in December. I love visiting here, but I don't want to live here again. For one thing I don't think I'll be able to handle the cold after getting used to that wonderful Florida heat. And movign back in wiht my mom is just gonna be weird in and of itself. not having the privacy to do wahtever I want. Having her be able to see me come home trashed, or not come home at all, or bring people back with me. It's just gonna be weird.

well anyway, I should get back to work.

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