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8:43 a.m. - 08/23/2006
People don't change... Situations do...
People change.

But do they really?

I don't think they do. Situations just change.

A guy who cheats on his girlfriend is always gonna be a cheater, it's in his nature. The girlfriend may change and who he's cheating with may change, but he'll always be a cheater. Situationally he might be in a place where no woman other than his girlfriend interests him, or where no one he is interested in returns the interest, so he may be "faithful" then. But the second the situation changes again and some other girl catches his interest, he won't leave the girl he's with for the new girl, he'll cheat.

The girl who allows herself to be the other woman, will always allow herself to be that. Her situation may change, and she may end up in a serious relationship where she doesn't have to be the other woman, but take her out of that relationship situation, and she'll do it again. She may go through a period of time when all the men that she is interested in and the men who are interested in her happen to be single, so she doesn't have to be the other woman, but she as a person will never have a problem being the other woman.

And it's not just on these 2 issues that people don't change. I'll always be a little unstable, jacob will always be a judgemental, bigotted loser with a temper on him, fatimah will always be a troublemaking skank, and her friend will always be a PSYCHO BITCH.

So those are just some thoughts running through my head right now as I wait for noon so that i can leave work since my awesome boss Regina is letting me off early again.

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