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7:32 a.m. - 08/24/2006
I'm gonna miss my job and this summer
Wow, tomorrow is my last day of work. I'm so sad. I'm gonna miss Regina and Virginia and Jennifer soooooo much. I love this office and I love my supervisors. They are all like mother's to me. They work me hard, but they really appreciate me. theya re always complementing me on what a good job I do. Telling me I walk on water :) I'm definately going to keep in touch wiht them this time when I leave. Because of how much I love working with them I would actually consider a carreer at HUD even though it has nothing to do with what I want to do in the future. But how often do you find such nice supervisors and coworkers.

It's hard to believe that this Sunday I'll be back in tallahassee. I haven't even packed yet. i need to do that today so I can enjoy my weekend and fit in some time wiht my friends amidst the celebrating of my brother's b-day.

I'm so excited. I finally got a new cell phone, so I can send text messages again. yay! And I'm no longer on my grandma's plan so I don't have to worry about her claiming that I used all the minutes in the shared plan, when in actuality it's my aunt Lori who's using them. Seriously the only perosn I really talk to during the day is my mom and I talk to her a lot, but not enough to use over 700 minutes. Lori uses her cell phone as her house phone so she uses it all the time, but my grandmother insists on blaming me. So, no more of that, thank god.

I'm really anxious to get back to tallahassee and see what happens with everything. This semester should be great now that I am officially and forever jacob free. He really brought me down last year. Totally ruined all my fun. So this semester I won't have to worry about that. I can enjoy it in peace, hopefully.

I've also decided that I don't think I want to be in a relationship anymore. So I've decided to stop pushing this love of my life soulmate thing. I just want to be young and single and have fun. No guy to weigh me down. I had that for basically 4 years give or take a few months and it'll be nice to not have to worry about anyone but myself. There's still a certain pretty man who makes my heart go flutter flutter, but if its meant to be it'll happen. That's one thing this whole summer has taught me. Everything happens for a reason. Without all the bad stuff that happened before I left Tallahassee, some of the good stuff that has happened since I've been home may not have happened. Wouldn't it have sucked to have to spend this summer tied down to Jacob again. I would have missed out on so much fun.

Anyway i guess I'll get back to work. Finish up my last assignments for the summer. So sad. :(

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