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1:07 p.m. - 04/13/2006
what to believe
You know what I really hate? Not knowing what to believe. Not knowing whether or not to trust my insticts. Not knowing whether or not I'm being made a fool of.
I hate all this stupid stuff that is going on with Jacob. I hate the fact that he has lost so much of my trust. I hate the fact that I can't just forget about it and move on. I hate the fact that any guy especially him can turn my world upside down. It's just not the type of person I am.
I hate the fact that one guy that I could possibly like has a girlfriend now, and that I don't know what the hell is going on with the other. I hate the fact that Jacob doesn't have to worry about this stuff and that he doesn't even care anymore what I do.
I hate being lied to and taken advantage of, but I really think that might be happeneing to me and it sucks. If I confront the possible liers and its not true than I look like a jealous bitch. If I don't then I look like a stupid bitch. I don't know what to do

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