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8:01 a.m. - 5/27/2006
It's so funny how people grow apart. Someone you thought you would spend the rest of your life with, you barely even know anymore. We separated, grew apart, made different friends and went on with our lives. The world did not come to an end when we did. We met new people and moved on. It's so weird looking back and realizing how intertwined our lives once were, and thinking about the fact that we don't even talk anymore. It's so weird to see pictures of him living his new life with his new friends who I've never met, and never will meet, when I used to be the most important thing in his life. I bet its weird for him to see my pictures too. Back then we never could have imagined that it would come to this. We never thought we'd see the day when we bacame strangers to each other.

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