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8:01 a.m. - 11/14/2002
not so good family stuff

Things on the homefront just fall apart when I'm not around.

Okay, so maybe there is no real correlation between my leaving and the family issues that unraveled when I left, but with the timing, it seems like it.

Okay issue 1: TJ and Jasmine get taken away form Tony because his stepchildren were abusing them, and move in wiht grandma.

Issue 2: Tajuana ends up in the hospital for "attempted suicide" after drinking a bottle of rubbing alcohol.

Issue 3: Jasmine gets into grandma's liquor and gets drunk

Isssue 4: Jasmine gets suspended from school for cursing at some boy in the middle of class and lying about it.

Issue 5: TJ gets into grandma's liquor

Issues 6 and 7: Saturday and today. TJ goes into these violent outbursts threatening to kill grandma and her dog taija.

Issues 6 and 7 are obviously the most serious. I can't believe stuff like this is actually happening. As I type Lana and Ma are at Children's hospital with TJ so that he can get another psych evaluation. He went on Saturday and they would have kept him then, but there were no beds left.

I think that they said that he has an affect disorder. I hope he gets treated for it.

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