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8:02 a.m. - 11/14/2002
Family problems part 2
Man this whole thing wiht TJ is so serious. It's so depressing. I feel like I want to cry now. My mom asked him why he acted that way and he said that he didn't know and then she told him that she would like an answer before she left becasue she might never see him again and then she got upset and was about to cry and left to have a cigarette.

TJ said that he didn't know why he did that stuff.

This whole thing is so sad. I wish I were there. Poor Jasmine. I can't imagine what she is going through seeing her brother like this.

I've been looking up disorders to try and answer some questions for my family. Looking up and knowing the symptoms of mental health disorders and recognizing the symptoms in people I know has always been kind of a hobby of mine and from what I know he either has a bipolar disorder and is experiencing mixed states, which is causing the violence or he has Conduct disorder, whihc is the chilhood version of Antisocial Personality Disorder.

So I think that they were goign to keep TJ but they need Tony to sign the admittance papers becasue grandma only has temporary custody until their next court date. I hope Tony doens't act like a dumbass and not come. I really want TJ to get help.

This whole thing is such a downer. I don't want TJ to haev to go live in a foster home. I really want him to get treated for his problem and for grandma to keep him and Jasmine. I wish I were home sometimes so that I could help her out. Don't get me wrong, I love it here and would never regret coming here, but if I were closer to home I could go over grandma's and gelp her out with them alot.

So on that note I'm gonna end this because it's just entirely too depressing. This is the kind of stuff that happens on TV, I didn't think my family would ever experience it to this extent in real life. I think I'm gonna go have a cigarrette now.

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